Trusted List EditorAll in one tool for cross-border electronic signature

All in one tool for cross-border electronic signature

TLEdit uses the certified Polysys CryptoSigno Interop JAVA API for signature creation and verification which has been certified by HUNGUARD Informatics and IT R&D and General Service Provider Ltd. as a certification authority assigned by the assignment document No. 002/2006 of the Minister of the Ministry of Informatics and Communication (MIC) of the Republic of Hungary based on the MIC Decree 9/2005 (VII.21.)

Polysys CryptoSigno Interop JAVA API is a platform independent development kit (library) for creating qualified electronic signatures that supports the following functions for relying applications made by Java technology:
  • Generation and verification of qualified or advanced electronic signature;
  • Encryption and decryption;
  • Building and validation of certification path;
  • Checking of certificate revocation lists;
  • Identification, authentication and authorisation control;